Assignment Parameters
Student Work

This assignment requires that students quickly generate a sequence of drawings based on an assigned prompt while in class. This project introduces students to the two approaches a student can take with their final project of the term, a graphic novel or an artist book. After students have generated rough sketches for the four in-class prompts, they must take their favorite design and refine it using their preferred medium and process.
Students are evaluated on how they solved each of the assigned prompts and the level of resolve for their refined example. The selected student examples all showcase the successful completion of the assignment objectives.
Final Digitized Artwork
Assignment Parameters
Student Work

Before students assembled their graphic novels or artist books into a physical format, they were each required to submit a digitized copy to Canvas for a final review.
Due to the nature of the semester-long project, students had considerable flexibility with how they approached the contents of their book. This creative freedom allowed me and another faculty member to work with students on an individual basis to help them cultivate a project that is distinctive to them.
The selected examples all demonstrate a unique creative voice that is both cohesive and complete, as well as technically proficient in the medium chosen by the student. In many instances, these students surpassed my expectations.

Instructional Resources
The videos below are demonstrations that were conducted in class for NMAT-F 201. Due to the amount of technical information covered within the course, I felt that it was beneficial to have these lessons recorded and available to students as a reference that they could use on the Canvas course site.
Accordion Tutorial