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Foundations, Tier 1 - Block 3:

For a complete evolution of the curriculum for NMAT-F 103, use the following pdf icon: 


Assignment Parameters

Student Work


Despite the curriculum for F103 evolving in 2023, the objectives for logo assignment remained the same. This assignment is an opportunity for students to investigate signs, symbols, and simplified graphics to quickly communicate an idea or define a fictitious company identity. In addition, this project serves as an introduction to vector graphics, specifically using tools and techniques within Adobe Illustrator or a comparable application.  


The examples I’ve included, all showcase each student’s ability to create an effective logo that is legible, graphically succinct, technically proficient, and intentional. 


Assignment Parameters

Student Work


For this assignment, I am introducing students to Adobe Photoshop and concepts of visual hierarchy. Their objective is to use the different tools and methods within the program to arrange both raster and vector graphics in a visually pleasing arrangement.

When I grade these designs, I first look at how the student is guiding the viewer's eye with visual weight. In addition, is the student demonstrating an awareness on the importance of positive and negative space within the composition? I am also assessing how students are using pixel-based graphics within their designs. Have these images been cut out with precision or are any of these graphics unintentionally pixelated? Finally, has the student created a poster that appears visually cohesive for the idea/product they are trying to communicate, such as their use of type, the color palette, and shape language? 

Instructional Resources

The videos below are demonstrations that were conducted in class for NMAT-F 103. Due to the amount of technical information covered within the course, I felt that it was beneficial to have these lessons recorded and available to students as a reference that they could use on the Canvas course site. 

F103 In Class Demo March 26th

Aaron Pickens
F103 In Class Demo March 26th
F103 In Class Demo March 26th
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Class Recording
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F103 Demo - Part II
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F103 Demo - Part I
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